DUI Lawyers San Diego

No matter how the lingo is phrased in your state: DUI, DWI, or DWAI, driving under the influence of booze or drugs can not only kill people, it's dangerous and illegal. If you're stopped by law enforcement while driving all state's use a BAC (blood alcohol content) to determine whether the driver is drunk or intoxicated. And if you are an inveterate abuser, keep in mind that sooner or later you'll get caught and see those colored flashing lights in your rearview mirror. You may be stopped for reasons as simple as a broken tail light, swerving back and forth, or the usual suspect, speeding.

Specific Drunk-Driving Penalties Can Vary From State-To-State!

That said, you should be fully aware that all drunk-drivers could, and probably will, face any number of combinations of the following:

* Jail time, community service, or a combination of both.
* Loss of your drivers license.
* Substance abuse treatment and/or evaluation.
* Limited driving privileges, and ignition interlock device hookup.
* Monolithic increase of car insurance for habitual offenders including the filing of an SR 22 for any number of years.

If all of the above isn't enough to scare you, suppose you seriously injure or kill another person(s) while under the influence? dui lawyers san diego are experts on the California law for drunk driving. They provide assistant and information on a regular basis and pretty much know the charges and penalties and, if you choose the correct DUI lawyer, chances are they're on a first-name basis with the court judge as well as how the California court system works.

When considering the hiring of a DUI lawyer in San Diego eschew the yellow pages, avoid the loss of some serious money, get references, talk with people you know, and get a lawyer with specific experience!